Atas Nama Tradisi

In the Name of Tradition

Emmenbrücke, 2023

In November 2022, Indonesia passed a renewal of the Criminal Code, which had not been updated since independence from the Netherlands in 1946. The new penal code contains the so-called "family resistance plan". This includes: a ban on extramarital cohabitation and restrictions on the rights of LGBTQ+ citizens. The penalties can be up to two years in prison.

These laws restrict the freedom of women and the LGBTQ+ community in Indonesia. I wonder if women and this community have to hide as a person in the name of the country and tradition? Since the independence of the state, Indonesia has prioritized religion and traditional values. In the years I have lived in Switzerland, I have seen that Indonesia has become more conservative and Islamic extremists are on the rise. This renewal could also be another step to threaten other minorities, for example other religions besides Muslims in Indonesia.

Batik is a traditional wax resist dyeing process that originated on the island of Java. Indonesians are very proud of this national treasure and wear this fabric both on formal occasions such as ceremonies and as casual wear. It has a history of acculturation as not every culture in Indonesia wears these fabrics and they have become one of the symbols that represent Indonesian culture as a whole. In this work, batik is a symbol of tradition. From left to right, I wrapped more fabric around myself as I feel that tradition consumes me and my freedom as a woman.

The arrangement of the portraits is inspired by how the portraits of the President, Vice President and the emblem of Garuda hang in all classrooms in Indonesia.

A series of three framed self-portraits on a wooden structure.